Good day Residents Ward 72
Numerous WhatsApp Groups have been established in the ward to allow residents to engage on numerous suburban topics.
The WhatsApp groups in WARD 72 have allowed me to regularly update all residents on service delivery news such as -
The WhatsApp Groups provide important information to residents as and when news becomes available from the COJ entities allowing me to provide you with the all possible service delivery updates.
To join the appropriate WhatsApp Group, please provide all your information as requested below.
Kind Regards
Lionel Greenberg
[email protected]
Councillor Ward 72 Joburg
Numerous WhatsApp Groups have been established in the ward to allow residents to engage on numerous suburban topics.
The WhatsApp groups in WARD 72 have allowed me to regularly update all residents on service delivery news such as -
- Billing issues
- City By-Laws
- Joburg Water
- Power Outages
- Pikitup
- Rates queries
- Terminations - Power / Water
The WhatsApp Groups provide important information to residents as and when news becomes available from the COJ entities allowing me to provide you with the all possible service delivery updates.
To join the appropriate WhatsApp Group, please provide all your information as requested below.
Kind Regards
Lionel Greenberg
[email protected]
Councillor Ward 72 Joburg